Member Controlled

The club is operated under the umbrella of TaraNova Recreation Club (Ontario) Ltd., a not-for profit organization formed to oversee, advise, and direct ALL operations for TaraNova Vacation Club. Its mandate is to ensure excellence from all facets, and to be accountable to all Members as a whole for any and all decisions that may affect the well-being of the Club. In order to keep maintenance fees as low as possible and offer valued properties, TaraNova Management assesses the property use and maintains those resorts that best suit the demands of our member base.

The club is governed by a Board of Governors, elected by the Member base. PROPERTIES ARE ALL HELD IN TRUST BY A COMPANY CONTROLLED BY THE BOARD FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE MEMBERS. The Board oversees and reports on the financial status of the Club and approves the Financial Statements. As a group, the Board is dedicated to the fulfillment of the promise to provide TaraNova members with a membership providing vacation accommodations through TaraNova Vacation Club.

The Board consists of a maximum of seven members, one of whom is a representative of the Club manager and a maximum of six of whom are members or representatives of Members. All members in good standing may seek election. If there are more candidates running for election than vacancies, a short bio of those seeking election will be distributed in the spring mailing along with an election ballot. The Election of the Board adheres to Article IV Section 4.02 of the Rights and Obligations. THE MEMBERS HAVE THE CONTROL. MEMBERS HAVE AN OPEN ELECTION This puts control of the club in the hands of the members and helps ensure that future decisions reflect the needs of the membership.

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