- Request your vacation spot as early as possible to ensure availability. If you are not going to vacation at a TaraNova location, deposit your week into the RCI Bank as early as possible to ensure greater trading power. Remember that Christmas, New Year's and March Break are extremely popular times to travel. Book these weeks as early as possible to ensure your space. (Hint: These are also the most requested weeks for transportation and are usually the most expensive.) You may prepay your dues and request to bank your week into RCI up to 2 years in advance to the exact date of the week you are depositing. Weeks that are later in the year, may have a higher trade value than those in the beginning of the year. In order to ensure that all members have the same ability to receive the best "trade value" TaraNova has initiated a "wait list for deposits" for those members that prepay their dues up to 2 years in advance during the first six months of the current year. The advantage of prepaying and depositing at the same time is that you may immediately initiate a search. The advantage of prepaying and going on the "wait list" is that you may receive a higher trade value week. The highest value weeks are limited. TaraNova reserves the right to limit those high value weeks to members in order to ensure that all members have the same access to high priority weeks. These high trade value weeks will be rotated between members that have prepaid dues 2 years in advance. Please see the April 2013 TaraNotes for more detailed information.
- Confirm your vacation week either at TaraNova Resort if you have reserved a TaraNova unit or through RCI if you have deposited a week.
- Always check with your travel agent for information on the type of documentation you will require and any immunizations or special items that are needed. Be sure to inquire about the various types of travel and health insurance to determine which would be most beneficial to you.
- When requesting accommodations, specify if something is a necessity, ie. must have elevator or need ground floor unit, must have air conditioning, etc. Sorry - no pets allowed at any TaraNova resort. There will be a US$250.00 cleaning fee assessed if you take a pet into a TaraNova resort and you will have to immediately move the pet out of the building. Always verify exactly what you need before confirming with RCI.
- Protect yourself from insects. Insects, particularly mosquitos, are carriers of disease in many overseas countries. A good insect repellant, long pants and sleeves, particularly in the evening, and mosquito netting for sleeping accommodations provide important protection.
- Acclimatize. Be prepared. If you're beaching it or skiing, take along adequate sun protection and good sunglasses. If you're headed to the mountains, be prepared for colder temperatures higher up, and altitude sickness if you're taking on the big climbs. If you're prone to motion sickness, pack the medication that works for you.
- Medical: Check with your doctors with respect to health issues which could be related to changes in altitude, temperature and medicines/vaccines that you may require.
Whether you are lying on the beach in Mexico or schussing down the slopes in New Hampshire, remember that a sunburn can ruin a great vacation. Always apply sunscreen to protect your skin!
QUICK TIP - Insurance #1
We never want to get sick on vacation, but sometimes it happens, or emergencies on vacation or at home may occur. Make sure you have taken out adequate insurance to cover any mishaps that might occur and remember to take enough of your medications with you as you may not be able to get them refilled where you are going. Check to make sure that your insurance will cover you if you have to be transported home, or require extended lodging, car rental, alternative travel and other necessary expenses that may occur if your vacation is interrupted for any reason.
QUICK TIP - Insurance #2
When purchasing your travel arrangements, examine exactly what your insurance covers.
QUICK TIP - Insurance #3
Check your home-owners insurance policy to see what it covers while you are away on holiday. If you are taking expensive equipment, you may want to have it itemized in order to receive a quicker settlement from your Insurance company due to loss, breakage or theft.
QUICK TIP - Insurance #4
If you are renting a car, find out what your personal insurance covers. Many Car Rental Companies charge for insurance that you may already be covered for under your own policy.
Many of our members are travelling to resorts by car, or renting cars at their vacation destinations. Please keep your children safe while driving. Babies must be in a baby safety car seat and children under 60 lbs. must be seated in a regulated safety or booster seat. Make sure you use the safety belts correctly. Check with your car and car-seat manufacturer for detailed instructions. If in doubt, visit your local police station and request an inspection of the installation of the car seat. Please remember that children 12 and under should NEVER be seated in the front seat. Avoid injuries from airbags. Those who sit too close to the air bag module are at the highest risk of injury. Children are extremely vulnerable because they are small. .
Tips for Drive-to locations.
- CAA offers its members a quick-trip map. You may want to take the scenic route, or the quickest direct route, or a little of both. Just let them know and CAA will be able to provide you with directions in detail of your preferred route.
- Get a tune-up on your car prior to your departure. Check your filter and make sure to top up the water, windshield washer fluid and oil in your car. Check the tire pressure and make sure you have a dependable spare and a jack in the car. .
- It is always helpful to have a tool kit, flashlight and first aid kit in the car with you, along with bottled water and non-perishable food. .
- If you have children, make sure they are comfortable and bring lots of games, books and activities they can do in the car. A happy driver and happy passengers makes for a pleasurable trip.